The Center for Divorce Solutions has one goal: Creating an atmosphere where couples who’ve reached the end of the line can work out a kinder, gentler divorce. By reducing the anxiety, disruption, and cost of divorce, we help the parties more effectively communicate their needs directly to each other and arrive at an agreement that meets all their needs — and, if we’re all lucky, a few of their wants.
Choosing the Right Divorce Mediator in Denver
The standard is simple, you want someone who will get the job done right. Success here, as in so many fields, results from training and experience. The Center for Divorce Solutions was founded by Leslie Hoffman, who brings a lifetime of negotiating as (among other things) a public relations executive, business owner, wife, mother, divorcee, and co-parent. Supporting her life skills are 20+ years of training from Aurora Community College, CDR & Associates, the US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission and more, plus years of volunteer work with the Denver County Court system. Certified as a Professional Mediator by the Mediation Association of Colorado, she has mediated more than 5,000 cases over the last twenty years.
Will Divorce Mediation Work for You?
Only if both partners are willing to do the work and to make it work. Among the many issues to be worked into divorce agreements are: Division of the assets and debts, including such things as investments, credit cards or loans. Inheritances — already received or yet to come. Custody of minor children, including visitation, holidays, child support and more. Alimony must be considered and concluded.
Everybody wants to be fair, but the emotions of the situation and the events that lead to the break-up often cloud people’s thinking. Mediation provides a third voice, one that doesn’t benefit from whatever decisions are made, so the mediator can be as objective as any human is capable of being. An experienced mediator
As the parties meticulously work to resolve the financial and family concerns, the mediator may ask important questions that both parties need to address but wouldn’t have thought of on their own. Mediators can also point out consequences that might result from decisions.
Experienced Divorce Mediator in Denver
The Court requires several documents to complete your divorce, our mediators can help you prepare them all. Focus needs to stay on what’s important. Good familial relations among both spouses, children and other family members need to be maintained. Contact the Center for Divorce Solutions before you get entangled with the adversarial legal system, and get the a kinder, gentler divorce that will save you all much grief and aggravation down the road.